Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-invasive procedure that brings amazing results that are more than just skin deep! It is the only all-natural cosmetic procedure that actually improves your health, so you look and feel beautiful, inside and out.
Though not well-known in the West (yet), it has been used for centuries in China by emperors, empresses, and members of the noble class.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Services
Facial Rejuvenation
Treatments address wrinkles, acne, scars, discoloration, and puffiness. Results are a more sculpted, lifted, tighter skin, and brighter more even complexion. Medically, treatments also help to relieve tension, TMJ, and residual symptoms of facial paralysis (such as Bell’s palsy).
Facial Rejuvenation treatments address the following areas: the forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, and jowls.
Natural Neck Lift
Skin around the neck and jowls sag as we age. Genetics, stress, hormonal imbalance, and poor posture (thank you smart phones!) are all contributing factors.
Neck Lift treatments address the jawline, jowls, neck, and décolletage. A bonus health benefit is that treatments also support healthy thyroid function!
Abdominal PROTOCOL FOR Weight Loss
The Abdominal Treatment is an excellent option to support your weight loss goals. Abdominal treatments address stubborn belly fat, stretch marks, and loose skin on the outside, while supporting healthy digestion and metabolism within. Results are a slimmer waistline, less belly fat, tighter skin, softened stretch marks and scars, and improved digestion.
A la carte: $275
5 treatments: $1,250. Must be completed within 5 weeks. **This is a great option for looking and feeling your best before a special event!
Each session includes:
Body acupuncture
LED light therapy by Celluma
Aftercare using high quality, all natural skincare products
The first session of Facial Rejuvenation includes a free sheet mask by YINA
The first session of Neck Lift includes a free sample of a décolletage balm or firming body oil.
The first session of Cosmetic Abdominal includes a free sample of a firming body oil.
How does it work?
Tiny sterile needles go into the dermis, stimulating production of collagen and elastin, and promoting blood circulation. Needles are placed along classic channels and meridians to lift and sculpt.
How do results last?
Since cosmetic acupuncture is all natural, results last as long as you maintain a good skincare regimen and healthy diet. There is no chemical that “dissolves” over time, but you can’t fight aging and gravity, so maintenance treatments are recommended. Unlike Botox, fillers, and surgery, your muscles have full range of movement and there is no recovery time.
How often do I need treatments?
Frequency depends on your age, lifestyle, and how well you take care of your skin. The accelerated treatment plan for optimal results is 10 treatments, completed in 5 weeks (2 treatments weekly).
For maintenance: 1 treatment every 1-2 months, or the entire 10-treatment protocol once a year.
Are there side effects?
Side effects are very rare, but can include temporary bruising at the needle site and drowsiness. Since the whole body is treated, patients often report improved overall health, such as deeper sleep, smoother digestion, reduced stress, etc.