Support Your Fertility with Acupuncture
Getting pregnant can be difficult and stressful for many people. Fertility can be a personal matter, but the procedures involved can be complicated and impersonal. However, it doesn't have to be that way! Whether you're trying on your own or with medical assistance, I work closely with you and your doctors to support you throughout the process.
Book a free 10-minute phone consultation and see how integrative acupuncture services can help optimize results and support your fertility journey.
Personalized Treatments
Fertility treatments are personalized according to your TCM and Western diagnoses. Treatments also vary with each phase of your cycle and/or according to your IUI/IVF drug schedule. Visit Acupuncture & IVF page for more information on how treatments can help support you during your IVF cycle.
Integrative Care
Your treatment plan can include:
Herbal medicine and/or personalized recommendations for supplements and vitamins
Other TCM modalities such as moxibustion, cupping, electric stimulation, and abdominal Guasha massage
PhotoBioModulation (PBM) therapy by Celluma. Click here to learn more.
Nutritional counseling
Review of your most recent lab work
Fertility coaching: how to track your menstrual cycle and ovulation window
Referrals and collaboration with other health care providers. I have a wide network of amazing practitioners!
“Why see an ABORM-certified fertility acupuncturist?
Specialty training ensures better patient care and results. Fellows of ABORM demonstrate a higher level of specialization in Eastern and Western reproductive medicine. They can work collaboratively with other doctors and healthcare practitioners to provide comprehensive, evidence-based care.”
acupuncture and herbal medicine can:
Improve ovarian function and ovulation in patients with PCOS and anovulatory cycles
Increase quality and quantity of follicles for retrieval, making them more responsive to FSH
Increase blood flow to the uterus to support implantation
Increase pregnancy rates in IVF embryo transfers, compared with no acupuncture support
Improve sperm health
Reduce inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases, a predominant factor in most instances of “unexplained infertility”
Reduce stress and anxiety associated with infertility
Reduce side effects of fertility drugs (i.e. bloating, water retention, moodiness, headaches)
Balance hormone levels and regulate your cycle, especially after hormone therapy
As you may know, ovulation is regulated by a feedback loop of hormones between your reproductive system and your brain. This feedback loop can be disrupted in various circumstances, such as times of extreme stress, adrenal fatigue, trauma, and autoimmune disease.
Maybe you’ve noticed how your cycle changes during times of high stress, trauma, or shock. Cortisol, sometimes known as “the stress hormone,” runs high in your body during these times, and can negatively influence the hormones that control healthy follicle growth and ovulation. Sperm production, quality, and motility are also negatively affected by stress. In TCM, we reduce stress by “Regulating Qi,” which supports fertility in both partners and has a host of additional benefits.
Ovarian function, antral follicle count (AFC), ovarian reserve, follicle recruitment, and egg quality correspond to something we call “Kidney Essence” in TCM. When your Kidney Essence is deficient, you want to nourish what you have. Treatments would focus on improving blood flow and ovarian response to FSH, leading to better egg quality.
Even though acupuncture treatments can help at any stage of the fertility process, it takes 120 days for acupuncture treatments to really affect the cell energy of the "chosen" follicles, since folliculogensis (from primordial follicle activation to ovulation) is about a year.
You’re in good hands
Prisca is nationally board-certified by NCCAOM and a fellow of ABORM, just 1 in 7 in New York City. She is an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in evidence-based, collaborative treatments for reproductive health and fertility. She aims to be an advocate for her patients, supporting them in every stage of the process. No matter what your goals are, she always looks at the big picture and addresses the root. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment protocol, as each person is unique.